Are you a female college student? Do you want to have an extremely rewarding college experience? Do you want to take advantage of all opportunities possible during your time as a student? If you answered yes to all of these, congratulations - you came to the right place! The Collegiate Scene will provide insightful tips that will help you excel your college career.
Before I start writing my posts, let me introduce myself! I'm Jenna and I am a senior attending William Paterson University of New Jersey. I am a Marketing major and a Public Relations minor. I always knew I wanted to be in the business world, but found through college that I really love communications too.
Upon starting my second year of college, I discovered Her Campus. It is an online magazine for college women with numerous sections of content and an admirable start-up story. I related to a lot of the articles and became addicted to checking the site. I read about it's history and was inspired by the founders and knew I desperately wanted to be a part of it. Six months later, my friend and I co-founded our own chapter of the magazine at WPUNJ. This was without a doubt the best decision of my life. I have learned so much from this, have made tons of connections and have attained many achievements because of my work and dedication.
As a Campus Correspondent for Her Campus, I am responsible for managing an entire team of writers and social media assistants, creating and planning events, directing and overseeing social media activity, working on marketing campaigns with Nationals, completing weekly reports and writing content for the site. Her Campus WPUNJ is now recognized nationally as a Platinum level chapter, which means we are among the top 30 chapters in the world. We receive at least 3,000 page views per week, have won numerous awards from Her Campus Media and the WPUNJ Student Government Association and have been featured in several on-campus news publications and student projects. It has been incredible achieving all of this success and I am so glad that I have a wonderful team of girls that are just as passionate and hardworking as my co-founder and I are.
Within two months of launching Her Campus, I started two other jobs! I was recruited to be a MTV Trendspotter for MTV Insights. Basically, I contribute news and feedback to a Facebook Group to be used as marketing research for MTV. It's like an online focus group of select Her Campus girls. Through this small commitment, I have visited MTV Studios in Times Square and got paid to watch the 2013 MTV VMA's with them there. The other job - or I should say extended internship - was for a cast member on The Real Housewives of New Jersey, Kim "Kim D" DePaola. Kim posted on her Facebook that she needed a social media intern so I messaged her and she told me to come in. No interview! Because of the message contents and my friendly professionalism, I was in. While she was featured on Season 5 of RHONJ, I managed her blog and social media and assisted her with appearances and fashion shows for her store, POSCHE. To this day, I still help Kim out and have made many amazing connections because of this. I have always been into entertainment and am a huge fan of the show, so I definitely consider this to be one of my most unforgettable experiences.
Through my junior year, I took some challenging courses, but continued to put my whole heart into making Her Campus WPUNJ the absolute best it could be all while jugging those other two priorities and my job working as a Student Ambassador in the Admissions office (my source of income!). For my junior year, I was promoted to Tour Coordinator for one year after serving as a Student Ambassador for two years and was asked to be the Student Representative of the WPU Marketing and Public Relations Committee.
I know what you're thinking - how does she do it all?! I have excellent time management skills. Definitely something to discuss in a future blog!
This past summer I took a well-deserved break from this madness, but I'm back at it again this fall with a new internship! I landed a PR internship with InTouch, Life & Style and Closer Weekly magazines. I am happy to report it is paid and super cool! No matter how many opportunities you have, you are always learning new things or seeing things done in a different light. At this internship, daily tasks include updating media coverage reports, creating PR meeting outlines, writing press releases, updating media contact lists and coordinating weekly PR mailings. My most recent fun assignments were creating a press release for Life & Style's 2014 Best of Beauty Awards and a celebrity face sheet for Life & Style's 10 Year Anniversary Event in L.A. next week!
All of these experiences have made me so well-rounded, confident and academically successful. I am so thrilled to begin blogging about my college experiences with you and hope that you will benefit from my tips and information! I will let you know about all the things I learned from workshops, classes, conferences, networking connections and professors that helped me land these fabulous opportunities!
If you ever have a question or anything, leave your email in the comments and I would be happy to reach out.
P.S. Read some of my published articles for Her Campus WPUNJ here.
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